There are many ways in which you can make a difference for children and youth in your community.
Volunteer With Us
Volunteers support the work of the Society by creating a valuable link to our communities. They provide support to vulnerable children and youth and their families and are an effective way to extend the work of the Society.
Declare Your Support
Each year, Children’s Aid Societies in Ontario respond to an average of more than 170,000 referrals from people concerned about the safety or well-being of a child or youth. With the sole responsibility for children and youth in our communities, we have to be available night and day, 7 days a week, 365 days per year.
There are 47 Children’s Aid Societies (CASs) that provide services to diverse communities across Ontario, including Francophone and First Nations. Each community has unique needs that are met by our well-trained and highly skilled team of child welfare experts.
The Children’s Foundation is a registered charitable organization dedicated to education and inspiring our community to effect change and to bring people and financial resources together to improve the quality of life for children and youth who are at risk.