Do You?
Do you live in Hastings, Northumberland or Prince Edward County?
Do you have an interest in being a champion for children, youth and families?
Do you want to develop your skills, gain new experiences and engage with your community?
Do you want to help make a difference in the life of a child?
If your answer is yes….
Consider becoming a volunteer Board member for Highland Shores Children’s Aid. We are currently looking to add two new members to serve one and three-year terms, respectively, on our 14 member Board.
You don’t have to have gray hair to join the Board! In fact, the issues we deal with have an impact on the lives of young people so our hope is to add more youth voices to the table.
Our Board members represent a broad cross section of ages, backgrounds, skill sets and levels of experience and they all bring their own unique perspective to help guide our organization.
Everyone has strengths and skills they can offer. We hope you’ll consider lending yours to help support the work of the Society.
If you are 18 years of age or older, we invite you to submit an application by July 19, 2013. In order to be eligible for nomination as a member of the Board a candidate would have to be a member of the Society by the date of record, August 12, 2013.
Fill out an application for nomination and an application for membership (links below) and send both applications to Lisa Thompson either via email: or by fax: 613-962-8969. If you have questions you can contact her at 613-962-9291, ext. 2305.
Application for Nomination to the Highland Shores Children's Aid Board of Directors