To bring attention to the fact that bullying is still happening in our schools, workplaces, homes and over the internet, people from across Canada are wearing pink on February 24th to raise awareness and encourage positive action to help bring an end to this form of abuse.
The idea grew from the story of two Cambridge, Nova Scotia teens, David Shepherd and Travis Price and their teenage friends who organized a high-school protest to wear pink in sympathy with a Grade 9 boy who was being bullied for wearing a pink shirt. The teens purchased 50 pink tank tops and distributed them to students who wore them in support of the bullied student.
Every child has a right to feel safe in their environment. Bringing a focus to this important issue is one of the steps we can all take to help make it a thing of the past.
“I learned that two people can come up with an idea, run with it, and it can do wonders,’ says Mr. Price, who organized the pink protest. ‘Finally, someone stood up for a weaker kid.”